Table sola.application.service
Used to control the type of change an application can make to the land registry and/or cadastre information recorded in SOLA. Services broadly identify the actions the land administration agency will undertake for the application. Every application lodged in SOLA must include at least one service. SOLA includes a default set of request types that can be reconfigured to match those services required by the land administration agency.
Tags: FLOSS SOLA Extension, Change History

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id varchar 40
transaction.from_service_id transaction_from_service_id_fk6 R
Identifier for the service.
application_id varchar 40  √  null service_application_id_fk7 R
Identifier for the application the service is associated with.
request_type_code varchar 20
request_type.code service_request_type_code_fk19 R
The request type identifying the purpose of the service.
service_order int4 10 0 The relative order of the service within the application. Can be used to imply a workflow sequence for application related tasks.
lodging_datetime timestamp 29,6 now() The date the service was lodged on the application. Typically will match the application lodgement_datetime, but may vary if a service is added after the application is lodged.
expected_completion_date date 13 Date when the service is expected to be completed by. Calculated using the service lodging_datetime and the nr_days_to_complete for the service request type.
status_code varchar 20 'lodged'::character varying
service_status_type.code service_status_code_fk24 R
Service status code.
action_code varchar 20 'lodge'::character varying
service_action_type.code service_action_code_fk25 R
Service action code. Indicates the last action to occur on the service. E.g. lodge, start, complete, cancel, etc.
action_notes varchar 255  √  null Provides extra detail related to the last action to occur on the service. Not Used.
base_fee numeric 20,2 0 The fixed fee charged for the service. Obtained from the base_fee value in request_type.
area_fee numeric 20,2 0 The area fee charged for the service. Calculated from the sum of all areas listed for properties on the application multiplied by the request_type.area_base_fee.
value_fee numeric 20,2 0 The value fee charged for the service. Calculated from the sum of all values listed for properties on the application multiplied by the request_type.value_base_fee.
rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1()
rowversion int4 10 0
change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar
change_user varchar 50  √  null
change_time timestamp 29,6 now()

Analyzed at Tue May 31 09:57 NZST 2016

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
id Primary key Asc service_pkey
action_code Performance Asc service_action_code_fk25_ind
application_id Performance Asc service_application_id_fk7_ind
rowidentifier Performance Asc service_index_on_rowidentifier
request_type_code Performance Asc service_request_type_code_fk19_ind
status_code Performance Asc service_status_code_fk24_ind

Close relationships  within of separation:

Excluded from diagram's relationships: application_property.rowidentifier  application_property.change_user  application_uses_source.rowidentifier  application_spatial_unit.rowidentifier  application.rowidentifier  application_spatial_unit.rowversion  application.rowversion  application.change_user  application_uses_source.change_user  application_property.rowversion  application_property.change_action  application_property.change_time  application_spatial_unit.change_time  application_spatial_unit.change_user  application.change_action  application.change_time  application_uses_source.rowversion  application_uses_source.change_action  application_uses_source.change_time  application_spatial_unit.change_action