SchemaSpy Analysis of sola.opentenure - Columns Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Tue May 31 09:57 NZST 2016
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

sola.opentenure contains 238 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
party address varchar 255  √  null Living address of the party.
claim assignee_name varchar 50  √  null User name who is assigned to work with claim
field_payload big_decimal_payload numeric 20,10  √  null Decimal or integer field value.
party birth_date date 13  √  null Date of birth of the party.
field_payload boolean_payload bool 1  √  null Boolean field value.
claim challenge_expiry_date timestamp 29,6  √  null Expiration date when challenge claim can be submitted.
claim challenged_claim_id varchar 40  √  null The identifier of the challenged claim. If this value is provided, it means the record is a claim challenge type.
attachment change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
claim change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
claim_comment change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
claim_location change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
claim_share change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
claim_uses_attachment change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
field_constraint change_user varchar 50  √  null
field_constraint_option change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
field_payload change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
field_template change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
form_payload change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
form_template change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
party change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
party_for_claim_share change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
section_element_payload change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
section_payload change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
section_template change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
claim claim_area int8 19  √  0 Claim area in square meters.
attachment_chunk claim_id varchar 40  √  null Claim ID. Used to clean the table when saving claim. It will guarantee that no orphan chunks left in the table.
claim decision_date timestamp 29,6  √  null The decision date on the claim by the authority.
claim_share denominator int2 5  √  null Denominator part of the share (i.e. bottom number of fraction)
attachment description varchar 255  √  null Short document description.
claim description varchar 250  √  null Free description of the claim.
claim_location description varchar 500  √  null Claim location description.
claim_status description varchar 1000  √  null Description of the claim status.
field_constraint_type description varchar 1000  √  null Description of the constraint type.
field_type description varchar 1000  √  null Description of the field type.
field_value_type description varchar 1000  √  null Description of the field value type.
rejection_reason description varchar 1000  √  null Description of the rejection reason.
attachment document_date date 13  √  null Document date.
claim east_adjacency varchar 500  √  null Optional information about adjacency on the east
party email varchar 50  √  null Email address of the party.
field_constraint format varchar 255  √  null Regular expression, used to check field value
party gender_code varchar 20  √  null Gender code of the party.
claim gps_geometry geometry 2147483647  √  null Claimed property geometry in Lat/Long format
claim_location gps_location geometry 2147483647  √  null Additional claim location geometry in Lat/Long format.
field_template hint varchar 255  √  null Field hint to be used for UI component.
party id_number varchar 20  √  null ID document number.
party id_type_code varchar 20  √  null ID document type code
claim land_use_code varchar 20  √  null Land use code
party last_name varchar 50  √  null Last name of claimant.
claim lodgement_date timestamp 29,6  √  null The lodgement date and time of the claim.
claim mapped_geometry geometry 2147483647  √  null Claimed property geometry calculated using system SRID
field_constraint max_value numeric 20,10  √  null Maximum field value, used in range constraint.
attachment_chunk md5 varchar 50  √  null Checksum of the chunk, calculated using MD5.
field_constraint min_value numeric 20,10  √  null Minimum field value, used in range constraint.
party mobile_phone varchar 15  √  null Mobile phone number of the party.
claim_share nominator int2 5  √  null Nominiator part of the share (i.e. top number of fraction)
claim north_adjacency varchar 500  √  null Optional information about adjacency on the north
claim notes varchar 1000  √  null Any note that could be usefully stored as part of the claim
claim_share percentage float8 17,17  √  null Percentage of the share. Another form of nominator/denominator presentation.
party phone varchar 15  √  null Landline phone number of the party.
attachment reference_nr varchar 255  √  null Document reference number.
claim rejection_reason_code varchar 20  √  null Rejection reason code.
claim south_adjacency varchar 500  √  null Optional information about adjacency on the south
claim start_date date 13  √  null Start date of right (occupation)
field_payload string_payload varchar 2048  √  null String field value.
claim type_code varchar 20  √  null Type of claim (e.g. ownership, usufruct, occupation).
claim west_adjacency varchar 500  √  null Optional information about adjacency on the west
attachment_chunk attachment_id varchar 40 Attachment ID, which will be used to create final document object. Used to group all chunks together.
claim_uses_attachment attachment_id varchar 40 Identifier of the attachment associated to the claim.
attachment body bytea 2147483647 Binary content of the attachment.
attachment_chunk body bytea 2147483647 The content of the chunk.
attachment change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
claim change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
claim_comment change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
claim_location change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
claim_share change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
claim_uses_attachment change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
field_constraint change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar
field_constraint_option change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
field_payload change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
field_template change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
form_payload change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
form_template change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
party change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
party_for_claim_share change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
section_element_payload change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
section_payload change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
section_template change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
attachment change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
claim change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
claim_comment change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
claim_location change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
claim_share change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
claim_uses_attachment change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
field_constraint change_time timestamp 29,6 now()
field_constraint_option change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
field_payload change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
field_template change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
form_payload change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
form_template change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
party change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
party_for_claim_share change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
section_element_payload change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
section_payload change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
section_template change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
claim_comment claim_id varchar 40 Identifier for the claim.
claim_location claim_id varchar 40 Identifier for the claim.
claim_share claim_id varchar 40 Identifier of the claim the share is assocaited with.
claim_uses_attachment claim_id varchar 40 Identifier for the claim the record is associated to.
form_payload claim_id varchar 40 Foreign key to the parent claim object.
party_for_claim_share claim_share_id varchar 40 Identifier of the claim share.
claim claimant_id varchar 40 The identifier of the claimant.
claim_status code varchar 20 The code for the claim status.
field_constraint_type code varchar 255 The code for the constraint type.
field_type code varchar 255 The code for the field type.
field_value_type code varchar 255 The code for the field value type.
rejection_reason code varchar 20 The code for the rejection reason.
claim_comment comment varchar 500 Comment text.
claim_comment comment_user varchar 50 The user id who has created comment.
attachment_chunk creation_time timestamp 29,6 now() Date and time when chuck was created.
claim_comment creation_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time when comment was created.
field_constraint display_name varchar 255 Value to be used as a visible text (header) of UI component.
field_constraint_option display_name varchar 255 Value to be used as a visible text of UI component.
field_payload display_name varchar 255 Value to be used as a visible text of UI component.
field_template display_name varchar 255 Value to be used as a visible text (header) of UI component.
form_template display_name varchar 255 Form name, which can be used for displaying on the UI.
section_payload display_name varchar 255 Value to be used as a visible text (header) of UI component.
section_template display_name varchar 255 Value to be used as a visible text (header) of UI component.
claim_status display_value varchar 500 Displayed value of the claim status.
field_constraint_type display_value varchar 500 Displayed value of the constraint type.
field_type display_value varchar 500 Displayed value of the field type.
field_value_type display_value varchar 500 Displayed value of the field value type.
rejection_reason display_value varchar 2000 Displayed value of the rejection reason.
section_payload element_display_name varchar 255 Text value to be used as a visible label of the section element UI component.
section_template element_display_name varchar 255 Text value to be used as a visible label of the section element UI component.
section_payload element_name varchar 255 Section element name to be used as UI component name.
section_template element_name varchar 255 Section element name to be used as UI component name.
field_constraint error_msg varchar 255 Error message to display in case of constraint violation.
section_template error_msg varchar 255 Error message to show when min/max conditions are not met.
field_constraint_option field_constraint_id varchar 40 Field constraint ID.
field_constraint field_constraint_type varchar 255 Type of constraint.
field_constraint field_template_id varchar 40 Field template id, which constraint relates to.
field_payload field_type varchar 255 Field type code.
field_template field_type varchar 255 Field type code.
field_payload field_value_type varchar 255
attachment file_extension varchar 5 File extension of the attachment. E.g. pdf, tiff, doc, etc
attachment file_name varchar 255 Actual file name of the attachment.
section_payload form_payload_id varchar 40 Foreign key reference to form payload.
form_payload form_template_name varchar 255 Foreign key to relevant dynamic form template.
section_template form_template_name varchar 255 Foreign key reference to form template.
attachment id varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifier for the attachment.
attachment_chunk id varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Unique ID of the chunk
claim id varchar 40 Identifier for the claim.
claim_comment id varchar 40 Identifier for the claim comment.
claim_location id varchar 40 Identifier for the claim location.
claim_share id varchar 40 Identifier for the claim share.
field_constraint id varchar 40 Primary key.
field_constraint_option id varchar 40 Primary key.
field_payload id varchar 40 Primary key.
field_template id varchar 40 Primary key.
form_payload id varchar 40 Primary key.
party id varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Unique identifier for the party.
section_element_payload id varchar 40
section_payload id varchar 40 Primary key.
section_template id varchar 40
form_template is_default bool 1 false Indicates whether form is default for all new claims.
party is_person bool 1 true Indicates if record is for individual or company (legal entity)
field_constraint_option item_order int4 10 1 Field constraint option ordering number.
field_payload item_order int4 10 1 Field ordering number.
field_template item_order int4 10 1 Field ordering number.
section_payload item_order int4 10 1 Section ordering number.
section_template item_order int4 10 1 Section ordering number.
claim_location mapped_location geometry 2147483647 Additional claim location geometry.
section_payload max_occurrences int4 10 Maximum occurane of the section elements on the form. If max > 1, UI will be shown as a table.
section_template max_occurrences int4 10 Maximum occurane of the section elements on the form. If max > 1, UI will be shown as a table.
attachment mime_type varchar 255 Mime type of the attachment.
section_payload min_occurrences int4 10 Minimum occurane of the section elements on the form.
section_template min_occurrences int4 10 Minimum occurane of the section elements on the form.
field_constraint name varchar 255 Field name to be used as UI component name.
field_constraint_option name varchar 255 Field name to be used as UI component name.
field_payload name varchar 255 Field name to be used as UI component name.
field_template name varchar 255 Field name to be used as UI component name.
form_template name varchar 255
party name varchar 255 First name of party.
section_payload name varchar 255 Section name to be used as UI component name.
section_template name varchar 255 Section name to be used as UI component name.
claim nr varchar 15 Auto generated claim number. Generated by the generate-claim-nr business rule when the claim record is initially saved.
party_for_claim_share party_id varchar 40 Identifier for the party.
claim recorder_name varchar 50 User's ID, who has created the claim.
attachment rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the document_historic table
claim rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the claim_historic table.
claim_comment rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the claim_historic table.
claim_location rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the claim_historic table.
claim_share rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the claim_share_historic table
claim_uses_attachment rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Unique row identifier.
field_constraint rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1()
field_constraint_option rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the form historic table.
field_payload rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the form historic table.
field_template rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the form historic table.
form_payload rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the form historic table.
form_template rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the form historic table.
party rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the document_historic table
party_for_claim_share rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the party_for_claim_share_historic table
section_element_payload rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the form historic table.
section_payload rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the form historic table.
section_template rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the form historic table.
attachment rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
claim rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
claim_comment rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
claim_location rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
claim_share rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
claim_uses_attachment rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
field_constraint rowversion int4 10 0
field_constraint_option rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
field_payload rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
field_template rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
form_payload rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
form_template rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
party rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
party_for_claim_share rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
section_element_payload rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
section_payload rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
section_template rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
field_payload section_element_payload_id varchar 40 Section element id.
section_element_payload section_payload_id varchar 40 Section payload ID.
field_template section_template_id varchar 40 Section template ID.
attachment size int8 19 File size.
attachment_chunk size int8 19 Size of the chunk in bytes.
attachment_chunk start_position int8 19 Staring position of the byte in the source/destination document
claim_status status bpchar 1 't'::bpchar Status of the service claim.
field_constraint_type status bpchar 1 'c'::bpchar Status of the constraint type.
field_type status bpchar 1 'c'::bpchar Status of the field type.
field_value_type status bpchar 1 'c'::bpchar Status of the field value type.
rejection_reason status bpchar 1 't'::bpchar Status of the rejection reason.
claim status_code varchar 20 'created'::character varying The status of the claim.
attachment type_code varchar 20 Attached document type code.
attachment user_name varchar 50 User's ID, who has created the attachment.
attachment_chunk user_name varchar 50 User's id (name), who has loaded the chunk
party user_name varchar 50 User name who has created the record.