Table sola.system.config_panel_launcher
Configuration data used by the PanelLauncher to determine the appropriate panel or form to display to the user when starting a Service or opening an RRR.
Tags: FLOSS SOLA Extension, Reference Table

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
code varchar 20
request_type.service_panel_code request_type_config_panel_launcher_fkey R
rrr_type.rrr_panel_code rrr_type_config_panel_launcher_fkey R
The code for the panel to launch
display_value varchar 500 The user friendly name for the panel to launch
description varchar 1000  √  null Description for the panel to launch
status bpchar 1 't'::bpchar Status of this configuration record.
launch_group varchar 20
panel_launcher_group.code config_panel_launcher_launch_group_fkey R
The launch group for the panel.
panel_class varchar 100  √  null The full package and class name for the panel to launch. e.g. org.sola.clients.swing.desktop.administrative.PropertyPanel
message_code varchar 50  √  null The code of the message to display when opening the panel. See the ClientMessage class for a list of codes.
card_name varchar 50  √  null The MainContentPanel card name for the panel to launch

Analyzed at Tue May 31 09:59 NZST 2016

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
code Primary key Asc config_panel_launcher_pkey
display_value Must be unique Asc config_panel_launcher_display_value_unique
launch_group Performance Asc config_panel_launcher_launch_group_fkey_ind

Close relationships  within of separation:

Excluded from diagram's relationships: approle_appgroup.change_action  user_pword_expiry.pword_change_user  appuser.change_action  appuser_appgroup.change_action  appuser.change_user  appuser_appgroup.change_time  appuser.rowidentifier  approle_appgroup.rowidentifier  appuser_appgroup.change_user  extracted_rows.rowidentifier  appuser_appgroup.rowversion  approle_appgroup.change_user  appuser_appgroup.rowidentifier  approle_appgroup.rowversion  appuser.rowversion  approle_appgroup.change_time  appuser.change_time