Table Identifies the coordinate reference system(s) (CRS) available to the Map Viewer. If there is more than one CRS defined, the user has the option to select the CRS to use for displaying features in the Map Viewer. The CRS with the lowest item_order will be the default CRS and used for the initial display of the map. The extent values defined in the system.setting table must be in the context of the default CRS. The from_long, to_long values define valid longitude values for each CRS in WGS84. These values can be used for various purposes such as assigning or transforming geometries into the appropraite storage CRS before being saved to the database. Tags: FLOSS SOLA Extension, Reference Table, Map Configuration
Generated by SchemaSpy |
Column(s) | Type | Sort | Constraint Name |
srid | Primary key | Asc | crs_pkey |