SchemaSpy Analysis of sola.documentExtension to the LADM used by SOLA to store electronic copies of documentation provided in support of land related dealings. Allows SOLA to support integration with external Document Management Systems (DMS) if required. Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Tue May 31 09:57 NZST 2016
Database Type: PostgreSQL - 9.4.6

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Table Children Parents Columns Comments
document 11 Extension to the LADM used by SOLA to store electronic copies of documentation provided in support of land related dealings.
Tags: FLOSS SOLA Extension, Change History
document_chunk 9 Holds temporary pieces of a document uploaded on the server. In case of large files, document can be split into smaller pieces (chunks) allowing reliable upload. After all pieces uploaded, client will instruct server to create a document and remove temporary files stored in this table.
Sequence: document_nr_seq 0 Sequence number used as the basis for the document Nr field. This sequence is used by the Digital Archive EJB.
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