Table sola.source.spatial_source_type
Code list of spatial source types. Implementation of the LADM LA_SpatialSourceType class. Not used by SOLA.
Tags: Reference Table, LADM Reference Object, Not Used

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
code varchar 20
spatial_source.type_code spatial_source_type_code_fk29 R
LADM Definition: The code for the spatial source type.
display_value varchar 500 LADM Definition: Displayed value of the spatial source type.
status bpchar 1 't'::bpchar SOLA Extension: Status of the spatial source type
description varchar 1000  √  null LADM Definition: Description of the spatial source type.

Analyzed at Tue May 31 09:59 NZST 2016

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
code Primary key Asc spatial_source_type_pkey
display_value Must be unique Asc spatial_source_type_display_value_unique

Close relationships  within of separation:

Excluded from diagram's relationships: power_of_attorney.change_action  spatial_source_measurement.change_time  archive.rowidentifier  spatial_source.rowidentifier  archive.change_action  spatial_source_measurement.rowidentifier  source.change_action  spatial_source_measurement.rowversion  archive.rowversion  source.change_user  source.change_time  spatial_source.change_user  archive.change_user  power_of_attorney.rowversion  archive.change_time  spatial_source.change_action  source.rowidentifier  source.rowversion  power_of_attorney.rowidentifier  power_of_attorney.change_user  power_of_attorney.change_time  spatial_source_measurement.change_action  spatial_source.change_time  spatial_source.rowversion  spatial_source_measurement.change_user