SchemaSpy Analysis of sola.source - ColumnsThe SOLA implementation of the LADM LA_Source class. Represents metadata about documents provided to support land related dealings. Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Tue May 31 09:59 NZST 2016
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sola.source contains 73 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
administrative_source_type code varchar 20 LADM Definition: The code for the administrative source type.
administrative_source_type description varchar 1000  √  null LADM Definition: Description of the administrative source type.
administrative_source_type display_value varchar 500 LADM Definition: Displayed value of the administrative source type.
administrative_source_type is_for_registration bool 1  √  false SOLA Extension: Flag that identifies whether documents of this type must be formally registered in SOLA before they can be used in rights registration. E.g. Power of Attorney documents must be registered in SOLA before they can be associated with transfer transactions, etc.
administrative_source_type status bpchar 1 SOLA Extension: Status of the administrative source type
archive change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
archive change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
archive change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
archive id varchar 40 Identifier for the archive.
archive name varchar 50 Description of the archive and/or it's location.
archive rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the archive_historic table
archive rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
availability_status_type code varchar 20 LADM Definition: The code for the availability status type.
availability_status_type description varchar 1000  √  null LADM Definition: Description of the availability status type.
availability_status_type display_value varchar 500 LADM Definition: Displayed value of the availability status type.
availability_status_type status bpchar 1 'c'::bpchar SOLA Extension: Status of the availability status type
power_of_attorney attorney_name varchar 500 The name of the person that will act on behalf of the grantor as their attorney.
power_of_attorney change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
power_of_attorney change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
power_of_attorney change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
power_of_attorney id varchar 40 Identifier for the power of attorney record. Matches the source identifier for the power of attorney record.
power_of_attorney person_name varchar 500 The name of the person that is granting the power of attorney (a.k.a. grantor).
power_of_attorney rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the power_of_attorney_historic table
power_of_attorney rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
presentation_form_type code varchar 20 LADM Definition: The code for the presentation form type.
presentation_form_type description varchar 1000  √  null LADM Definition: Description of the presentation form type.
presentation_form_type display_value varchar 500 LADM Definition: Displayed value of the presentation form type.
presentation_form_type status bpchar 1 't'::bpchar SOLA Extension: Status of the presentation form type
source acceptance date 13  √  null LADM Definition: The date of force of law of the source by an authority.
source archive_id varchar 40  √  null SOLA Extension: Archive identifier for the source.
source availability_status_code varchar 20 'available'::character varying LADM Definition: The code describing the availability status of the document.
source change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
source change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
source change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
source classification_code varchar 20  √  null FROM SOLA State Land Extension: The security classification for this Source. Only users with the security classification (or a higher classification) will be able to view the record. If null, the record is considered unrestricted.
source content varchar 4000  √  null LADM Definition: The content of the source. Not used by SOLA as digital copies of documents are stored in the document table.
source description varchar 255  √  null
source expiration_date date 13  √  null SOLA Extension: The date the document expires and is no longer enforceable.
source ext_archive_id varchar 40  √  null SOLA Extension: Identifier of the source in an external document management system. Used by SOLA to reference the digital copy of the document in the document table.
source id varchar 40 LADM Definition: Source identifier.
source la_nr varchar 20 SOLA Extension: Reference number or identifier assigned to the document by the land office.
source maintype varchar 20  √  null LADM Definition: The type of the representation of the content of the source.
source owner_name varchar 255  √  null SOLA Extension: The name of the firm or bank that created the document (a.k.a. Source Agency).
source recordation date 13  √  null LADM Definition: The date of formalization by the source agency.
source redact_code varchar 20  √  null FROM SOLA State Land Extension: The redact classification for this Source. Only users with the redact classification (or a higher classification) will be able to view the record with un-redacted fields. If null, the record is considered unrestricted and no redaction to the record will occur unless bulk redaction classifications have been set for fields of the record.
source reference_nr varchar 255  √  null SOLA Extension: Reference number or identifier assigned to the document by an external agency.
source rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the source_historic table
source rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
source signing_date date 13  √  null SOLA Extension: The date the document was signed by all parties.
source status_code varchar 20  √  null SOLA Extension: Status (pending, current, historic) of the source. Only used for transactioned documents such as power of attorney.
source submission date 13  √  now() LADM Definition: The date of submission of the source by a party.
source transaction_id varchar 40  √  null SOLA Extension: Reference to the transaction used to register the document in SOLA. Only used for transactioned documents such as power of attorney.
source type_code varchar 20 LADM Definition: The type of document.
source version varchar 10  √  null SOLA Extension: The document version.
spatial_source change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
spatial_source change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
spatial_source change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
spatial_source id varchar 40 LADM Definition: Spatial source identifier.
spatial_source procedure varchar 255  √  null LADM Definition: Procedures, steps or method adopted
spatial_source rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the spatial_source_historic table
spatial_source rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
spatial_source type_code varchar 20 LADM Definition: Code type assigned to the source.
spatial_source_measurement change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
spatial_source_measurement change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
spatial_source_measurement change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
spatial_source_measurement id varchar 40 LADM Definition: Spatial source measurement identifier.
spatial_source_measurement rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the spatial_source_measurement_historic table
spatial_source_measurement rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
spatial_source_measurement spatial_source_id varchar 40 LADM Definition: Spatial source identifier.
spatial_source_type code varchar 20 LADM Definition: The code for the spatial source type.
spatial_source_type description varchar 1000  √  null LADM Definition: Description of the spatial source type.
spatial_source_type display_value varchar 500 LADM Definition: Displayed value of the spatial source type.
spatial_source_type status bpchar 1 't'::bpchar SOLA Extension: Status of the spatial source type