SchemaSpy Analysis of sola.transaction - ColumnsExtension to the LADM used by SOLA to track all changes made to data as a result of an application service. Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Tue May 31 09:59 NZST 2016
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

sola.transaction contains 26 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
transaction approval_datetime timestamp 29,6  √  null The date and time the transaction is approved.
transaction change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
transaction_source change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
reg_status_type description varchar 1000  √  null Description of the registration status type.
transaction_status_type description varchar 1000  √  null Description of the transaction status type.
transaction from_service_id varchar 40  √  null The identifier of the service that initiated the transaction. NULL if the transaction has been created using other means. E.g. for migration or bulk data loading purposes.
transaction bulk_generate_first_part bool 1 false Flag used by the bulk operations functionality to determine if the first_namepart for cadastre objects should be automatically generated.
transaction change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
transaction_source change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
transaction change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
transaction_source change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
reg_status_type code varchar 20 The code for the registration status type.
transaction_status_type code varchar 20 The code for the transaction status type.
reg_status_type display_value varchar 500 Displayed value of the registration status type.
transaction_status_type display_value varchar 500 Displayed value of the transaction status type.
transaction id varchar 40 Identifier for the transaction.
transaction is_bulk_operation bool 1 false Flag used to indicate the transaction was created in support of a bulk operation.
transaction rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the transaction_historic table
transaction_source rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the transaction_source_historic table
transaction rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
transaction_source rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
transaction_source source_id varchar 40 The identifier of the source associated to the transation.
reg_status_type status bpchar 1 Status of the registration status type
transaction_status_type status bpchar 1 Status of the transaction status type
transaction status_code varchar 20 'pending'::character varying The status of the transaction
transaction_source transaction_id varchar 40 Identifier for the transaction.