Community Server Data Dictionary

Version: Release 1509a

Generated by SchemaSpy

The SOLA Community Server database has been created as part of a project undertaken by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization with funding from the Government of Finland to develop open source software that supports cadastre and registration functions in land administration agencies. It has a particular goal of making computerized systems supporting open land administration more affordable and sustainable in developing countries.

The Community Server database has been developed using the PostgreSQL open source database and is an implementation of an extended version of the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM). LADM is published as ISO 19152 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It has been necessary to extend ISO 19152 because of the operational needs of land administration agencies to incorporate case management and other features into any system that supports the processing of client service requests (for land information, registration and cadastre change requests and others) and the maintaining and updating of the record of rights and restrictions, ownership and property boundaries.

The Community Server Data Dictionary is organized according to the schemas defined in the Community Server database. To navigate the dictionary, follow the hyperlinks available on each page. Each schema section includes a list of all tables within the schema along with table descriptions, column list, constraints and relationship details. Database views and functions are also described. Click the schema hyperlinks below for detailed information.


Tags are used to summarise common table features. The tags used in this dictionary are

  • Business Rules - The table provides configuration or implementation details for business rules.
  • Change History - All changes to the table are tracked in a duplicate _historic table for audit and recovery purposes.
  • FLOSS SOLA Extension - The table or column is an extension to the LADM standard.
  • LADM Reference Object - The table is an implementation of a object from the LADM standard.
  • Map Configuration - The table provides configuration details for the Map Viewer.
  • Not Used - The table has been included in the Community Server database schema as it represents an object from the LADM, however it is not used by the Community Server application.
  • Reference Table - The table contains code values used in other Community Server tables.
  • System Configuration - The table provides Community Server system configuration details.
  • User Admin - The table is part of the user management system in Community Server.

More information on SOLA Community Server and its features can be obtained from