Table sola.cadastre.spatial_unit
Single area (or multiple areas) of land, water or a single volume (or multiple volumes) of space.
Implementation of the LADM LA_SpatialUnit class. Can be used by SOLA to represent geographic features such as place names and roading centrelines that are not considered as cadastre objects.
Tags: LADM Reference Object, Change History

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id varchar 40
ba_unit_contains_spatial_unit.spatial_unit_id ba_unit_contains_spatial_unit_spatial_unit_id_fk69 C cadastre_object_id_fk61 C
spatial_unit_address.spatial_unit_id spatial_unit_address_spatial_unit_id_fk89 C
spatial_unit_in_group.spatial_unit_id spatial_unit_in_group_spatial_unit_id_fk93 C
spatial_value_area.spatial_unit_id spatial_value_area_spatial_unit_id_fk87 C
LADM Definition: Spatial unit identifier.
dimension_code varchar 20 '2D'::character varying
dimension_type.code spatial_unit_dimension_code_fk55 R
LADM Definition: Code for dimension.
label varchar 255  √  null LADM Definition: Label for the spatial unit. Used by SOLA as the label to display for the feature in the Map Viewer.
surface_relation_code varchar 20 'onSurface'::character varying
surface_relation_type.code spatial_unit_surface_relation_code_fk56 R
LADM Definition: Code indicating if the spatial unit is above or below the surface.
level_id varchar 40  √  null spatial_unit_level_id_fk57 R
LADM Definition: The identifier for the level.
land_use_code varchar 20  √  null
land_use_type.code spatial_unit_land_use_code_fk66 R
SOLA Extension: Code to indicate the general purpose of the cadastre object. E.g. Commerical, Residential, Industrial, etc.
reference_point geometry 2147483647  √  null LADM Definition: The coordinates of a point inside the spatial unit. Only used by SOLA to define point geometries like place names.
geom geometry 2147483647  √  null SOLA Extension: The geometry for the spatial unit. Can be any geometry type.
transaction_id varchar 40  √  null spatial_unit_transaction_id_fk67 C
SOLA Extension: The identifier of the bulk operation transaction that loaded the spatial unit.
rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() SOLA Extension: Identifies the all change records for the row in the spatial_unit_historic table
rowversion int4 10 0 SOLA Extension: Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar SOLA Extension: Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
change_user varchar 50  √  null SOLA Extension: The user id of the last person to modify the row.
change_time timestamp 29,6 now() SOLA Extension: The date and time the row was last modified.

Analyzed at Tue May 31 09:57 NZST 2016

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
id Primary key Asc spatial_unit_pkey
dimension_code Performance Asc spatial_unit_dimension_code_fk55_ind
geom Performance Asc spatial_unit_index_on_geom
reference_point Performance Asc spatial_unit_index_on_reference_point
rowidentifier Performance Asc spatial_unit_index_on_rowidentifier
land_use_code Performance Asc spatial_unit_land_use_code_fk66_ind
level_id Performance Asc spatial_unit_level_id_fk57_ind
surface_relation_code Performance Asc spatial_unit_surface_relation_code_fk56_ind
transaction_id Performance Asc spatial_unit_transaction_id_fk67_ind

Close relationships  within of separation:

Excluded from diagram's relationships: cadastre_object.rowidentifier  spatial_unit_group.change_action  spatial_value_area.rowidentifier  level.change_time  cadastre_object_node_target.rowversion  spatial_unit_address.change_action  survey_point.rowidentifier  spatial_unit_address.change_user  survey_point.change_time  spatial_unit_group.rowversion  spatial_value_area.change_time  spatial_unit_in_group.change_action  level.change_user  legal_space_utility_network.change_user  spatial_unit_in_group.rowidentifier  cadastre_object_node_target.rowidentifier  cadastre_object_target.change_time  legal_space_utility_network.change_time  cadastre_object.change_user  legal_space_utility_network.rowversion  cadastre_object_node_target.change_time  spatial_unit_in_group.rowversion  survey_point.change_action  cadastre_object_node_target.change_user  cadastre_object.change_time  spatial_unit_group.rowidentifier  survey_point.change_user  spatial_unit_in_group.change_time  level.rowversion  level.change_action  cadastre_object.change_action  survey_point.rowversion  legal_space_utility_network.change_action  spatial_unit_group.change_user  spatial_value_area.change_action  cadastre_object_target.change_user  spatial_unit_group.change_time  spatial_unit_address.change_time  cadastre_object_target.rowversion  spatial_value_area.rowversion  spatial_value_area.change_user  cadastre_object_target.rowidentifier  legal_space_utility_network.rowidentifier  cadastre_object.rowversion  spatial_unit_in_group.change_user  cadastre_object_target.change_action  level.rowidentifier  spatial_unit_address.rowversion  spatial_unit_address.rowidentifier  cadastre_object_node_target.change_action