Table sola.cadastre.cadastre_object
Specialization of Spatial Unit that represents primary cadastral features such as parcels. Parcels captured in SOLA should have a spatial definition that illustrates the shape and geographic location of the parcel although this is not a mandatory requirement. Parcels without a spatial definition may be referred to as aspatial or textual parcels.
Tags: FLOSS SOLA Extension, Change History

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id varchar 40
application_spatial_unit.spatial_unit_id application_spatial_unit_spatial_unit_id_fk131 C
ba_unit_contains_spatial_unit.spatial_unit_id ba_unit_contains_spatial_unit_spatial_unit_id_fk70 C
cadastre_object_target.cadastre_object_id cadastre_object_target_cadastre_object_id_fk97 C legal_space_utility_network_id_fk94 C cadastre_object_id_fk61 C
Identifier for the cadastre object.
type_code varchar 20 'parcel'::character varying
cadastre_object_type.code cadastre_object_type_code_fk62 R
The type of cadastre object. E.g. parcel, building unit, etc.
building_unit_type_code varchar 20  √  null
building_unit_type.code cadastre_object_building_unit_type_code_fk64 R
The building unit subtype if applicable. Not used by SOLA.
approval_datetime timestamp 29,6  √  null The datetime the cadastre object was approved/registered.
historic_datetime timestamp 29,6  √  null The datetime the cadastre object was superseded and became historic.
source_reference varchar 100  √  null Used to indicate the original source of the cadastre object. Can be a map reference or a reference to the system the geometry was migrated from.
name_firstpart varchar 20 The first part of the name or reference assigned by the land administration agency to identify the cadastre object. E.g. lot number, etc
name_lastpart varchar 50 The remaining part of the name or reference assigned by the land administration agency to identify the cadastre object. E.g. survey plan number, map number, section reference, etc.
status_code varchar 20 'pending'::character varying
reg_status_type.code cadastre_object_status_code_fk63 R
The status of the cadastre object.
geom_polygon geometry 2147483647  √  null The PostGIS geometry for the cadastre object. Must be a ploygon. Multipolygon geometries are not currently supported by SOLA.
transaction_id varchar 40 cadastre_object_transaction_id_fk65 C
Reference to the SOLA transaction that created the cadastre object.
land_use_code varchar 255  √  'residential'::character varying Code to indicate the general purpose of the cadastre object. E.g. Commerical, Residential, Industrial, etc.
rowidentifier varchar 40 uuid_generate_v1() Identifies the all change records for the row in the cadastre_object_historic table
rowversion int4 10 0 Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified.
change_action bpchar 1 'i'::bpchar Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d).
change_user varchar 50  √  null The user id of the last person to modify the row.
change_time timestamp 29,6 now() The date and time the row was last modified.
classification_code varchar 20  √  null FROM SOLA State Land Extension: The security classification for this Parcel. Only users with the security classification (or a higher classification) will be able to view the record. If null, the record is considered unrestricted.
redact_code varchar 20  √  null FROM SOLA State Land Extension: The redact classification for this Parcel. Only users with the redact classification (or a higher classification) will be able to view the record with un-redacted fields. If null, the record is considered unrestricted and no redaction to the record will occur unless bulk redaction classifications have been set for fields of the record.

Analyzed at Tue May 31 09:57 NZST 2016

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
id Primary key Asc cadastre_object_pkey
building_unit_type_code Performance Asc cadastre_object_building_unit_type_code_fk64_ind
id Performance Asc cadastre_object_id_fk61_ind
geom_polygon Performance Asc cadastre_object_index_on_geom_polygon
rowidentifier Performance Asc cadastre_object_index_on_rowidentifier
name_firstpart + name_lastpart Must be unique Asc/Asc cadastre_object_name
status_code Performance Asc cadastre_object_status_code_fk63_ind
transaction_id Performance Asc cadastre_object_transaction_id_fk65_ind
type_code Performance Asc cadastre_object_type_code_fk62_ind

Close relationships  within of separation:

Excluded from diagram's relationships: spatial_unit_group.change_action  spatial_value_area.rowidentifier  level.change_time  cadastre_object_node_target.rowversion  spatial_unit_address.change_action  survey_point.rowidentifier  spatial_unit_address.change_user  survey_point.change_time  spatial_unit_group.rowversion  spatial_value_area.change_time  spatial_unit_in_group.change_action  level.change_user  legal_space_utility_network.change_user  spatial_unit_in_group.rowidentifier  cadastre_object_node_target.rowidentifier  cadastre_object_target.change_time  legal_space_utility_network.change_time  spatial_unit.rowidentifier  legal_space_utility_network.rowversion  cadastre_object_node_target.change_time  spatial_unit_in_group.rowversion  survey_point.change_action  cadastre_object_node_target.change_user  spatial_unit.change_user  spatial_unit_group.rowidentifier  survey_point.change_user  spatial_unit_in_group.change_time  spatial_unit.change_time  level.rowversion  level.change_action  survey_point.rowversion  legal_space_utility_network.change_action  spatial_unit_group.change_user  spatial_value_area.change_action  spatial_unit.change_action  cadastre_object_target.change_user  spatial_unit_group.change_time  spatial_unit_address.change_time  cadastre_object_target.rowversion  spatial_value_area.rowversion  spatial_value_area.change_user  cadastre_object_target.rowidentifier  spatial_unit.rowversion  legal_space_utility_network.rowidentifier  spatial_unit_in_group.change_user  cadastre_object_target.change_action  level.rowidentifier  spatial_unit_address.rowversion  spatial_unit_address.rowidentifier  cadastre_object_node_target.change_action